My earliest memory of enchiladas verdes was when I was a kid. My parents used to take us to this mexican buffet called Pancho's-- any of you remember it?? Raise the flag! (lol just thinking about it.) By no means was it authentic, but it was cheap, quick, and pretty good for the price. Well, since then, they've closed down many of their locations. Consider yourself lucky if you have one near (insert sarcasm here:)
In memory of Pancho's, here's a quick and easy enchiladas verde recipe I created on a whim. It was actually pretty good and only takes about thirty minutes to prepare. Comments welcome.

10-15 white corn tortillas
1 can of green chile sauce
2 cups of white cheese (jack, queso blanco, or white cheddar, etc.)
1 can of diced green chiles and tomatoes (Rotel brand is what I used.)
2 cups of cooked, shredded chicken (I used some left over from a previous dish.)
1/2 cup of canola oil
9 x11 baking dish
1. Heat canola oil in shallow pan or skillet on medium heat. Quickly dip one tortilla in the oil until softened (don't leave them in too long, or they will begin to harden.) Lay a tortilla flat and fill with cheese and shredded chicken-- about 1/4 cup of filling down the center. Tightly bring the edges over the filling to close it and then lay the tortilla seam side down in a 9x13 baking dish. Repeat until all of the tortillas are filled.
(excuse the blurry photos... I was having technical difficulties with my camera)
2. Pour verde (green chile) sauce over enchiladas.
3. Add green chiles and tomatoes.
4. Add remainder of chees(es).
5. Heat in oven on 350 degrees for twenty minutes. Cheese should be melted.
6. Let cool for five minutes, and serve with a coordinating side dish. I chose Mexican rice and I mixed in black beans.